Okhla I Rd, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Saidabad, New Delhi, Delhi 110044
+91 9873741234
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Drive Safe & Get License
Proin faucibus sapien nisi, nec tempus arcu sagittis quis. Nullam quis consequat ex.
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Best for you
make a sucessful drive with us!
Phasellus egestas quam iaculis dui ac porta. Maecenas quis lacinia risus fermentum
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welcome to our driving school
Maecenas dapibus, diam mattis tincidunt sollicitudin, est dolor ullamcorper augue. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor
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Who We Are
Why Choose Us
At OnRoad Motor Driving School, we provide professional, personalized driving lessons with over 16 years of experience. Our expert instructors offer a variety of courses, from beginner to refresher, ensuring a comfortable learning experience with modern vehicles and flexible scheduling. We prioritize safety, especially for women, and our 10-day crash course is perfect for those in a hurry. With proven success and a strong reputation for quality, OnRoad is the ideal choice for confident, safe driving.
Our Highway Safety program focuses on essential skills and strategies to ensure safe driving on highways, promoting awareness and confidence behind the wheel.
Our Traffic Rules program teaches essential road safety laws and regulations, ensuring you drive responsibly and stay compliant with local traffic laws.
Our licensed training program offers certified instruction, ensuring you receive professional, accredited lessons to become a skilled and confident driver.
Our driving practice sessions offer hands-on experience, helping you build confidence and mastery on the road with expert guidance every step of the way.
Our special classes are tailored to meet individual needs, offering focused instruction for beginners, refresher courses, or specific driving challenges.
Our standard vehicles are well-maintained and equipped with the latest safety features, providing a reliable and comfortable learning experience.
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Main Services
Our Features
OnRoad Motor Driving School offers expert instructors, modern vehicles, flexible schedules, and specialized training to ensure a safe and confident learning experience. Whether you're a beginner or need a refresher, we provide top-quality driving education tailored to your needs.
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Lord William
( CEO & Founder OF School )
Aliquam eleifend sollicitudin dolor, ac laoreet eros malesuada tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque condimentum risus ex, in lacinia leo imperdiet eu. Mauris ut nisl leo. Cras justo diam, fringilla porta ex feugiat nec, lobortis finibus sem. Maecenas id metus in ...
Mark Henry
( CEO & Founder OF School )
Maecenas eu est in felis aliquam hendrerit. Fusce mattis luctus ex, quis pharetra odio dapibus eu. Quisque accumsan, turpis id tristique dapibus, felis nunc sagittis quam, in sollicitudin lectus odio nec ex. Pellentesque auctor nisl vitae posuere egestas. Fusce dolor nisl, interdum sed molestie venenatis, pellentesque tincidunt turpis. Duis accumsan ...